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Learn about New Rate Details and Other Information

Rate Details


Purchase a Permit

Permits are currently sold out.

Please add yourself to the waitlist through the customer portal. Or visit the Transit Center located within the Student Union Building.

Parking Permit Purchasing Timeline

Parking Permit Purchasing Timeline

  • July 1st: Students, staff, and faculty with current valid Commuter, Reserve, and Garage parking passes have priority renewal from July 1st – July 31st. 
  • July 31st: Permits ordered on or before July 31st will have the option to be mailed. Any permit purchased after July 31st will be available for pick up in our office in the Student Union Building Transit Center. 
  • August 1st: All remaining Commuter, Reserve, and Garage permits will be available for purchase by eligible campus community members. All permit sales for campus residents will open. Residential permits are the only permits with overnight access to campus and may be purchased only by registered individuals living in on-campus housing. 

Please be aware that all permit zones have a limited capacity, and all garage, reserve, commuter, and residential parking permits will likely sell out quickly.

New Parking Permits

We have made some permit zone changes in response to multiple customer requests! These new permit zones go into effect in August. Permit prices for these new permit zones can be found in the 2024-2025 Permit Pricing chart and are available to all Students, Staff, and Faculty while supplies last. Click here for campus map

  • Capitol Village Reserve – The Capitol Village parking lot is being separated from the West Reserve zone. It will now be governed by its own parking permit, the Capitol Village Reserve permit.
  • Alumni and Friends Center Reserve -The Alumni and Friends Center parking lot is being separated from the South Reserve zone and will now be governed by its own parking permit, the Alumni and Friends Center Reserve permit.
  • Children’s Center Commuter – South Commuter parking stalls will no longer be in the Manor Apartments parking lot. The Manor Parking Lot will become a multi-use space for Resident South and Children’s Center Commuter permits.
  • AM Parking Permit – In response to multiple customer requests, we have created the AM parking permit as a companion to our PM Parking Permit. The AM permit can be purchased independently or as an attachment to your regular Garage, Reserve, Commuter, or Residential permit. The AM Parking permit will allow Students, Staff, and Faculty to park in all surface reserve and commuter parking lots from 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM, allowing for morning cross parking. This permit does not allow overnight parking.
  • Osprey Residence Hall Permits—The new Osprey Residence will have parking permit options specific to this location. If you have been assigned to this residence, please contact the Transit Center for more information.

Discontinued Parking Permits

  • Off-Campus Resident West & Off-Campus Resident East – After a lengthy evaluation of the use and availability of our current permits, the University will no longer offer Off-Campus Resident permits. Current Off-Campus Resident permits will remain valid in their respective zones until their expiration date of August 7th, 2024.

Student Refund and Permit Purchasing Process

All student permits will now follow a two-week proration schedule.

  • Beginning in August, all student permits will be reduced in price every two weeks on a prorated schedule.
  • Beginning in August until  March 31, 2025, refunds will be allowed at a prorated price every two weeks following the prorated pricing schedule.
  • No refunds will be allowed after March 31, 2025

Permit Pricing for the 2024 – 2025 Academic Year

Permit Student Employee
Resident Central $600 N/A
Resident West $600 N/A
Resident South $600 N/A
Resident East (Gravel Lots) $400 N/A
Resident Osprey $1,014 N/A
Resident Osprey Tandem $754 N/A
East Commuter $160 $234
South Commuter $160 $234
West Commuter $160 $234
Children’s Center Commuter $160 $234
East Reserve $412 $494
Alumni and Friends Center Reserve $412 $494
South Reserve $412 $494
Capitol Village Reserve $412 $494
West Reserve $412 $494
Central Reserve (Employee Only) N/A $520
Lincoln Garage $420 $520
Brady Garage $420 $520
University Plaza Broadway N/A $520
Carpool $312 $312
Accessible (ADA Placard Required) $160 $234
AM Permit (Valid 5AM-8AM) $52 $52
PM Permit (Valid after 4PM) $104 $104
PT Staff (Part-Time Employee) N/A $104
Satellite Zone (Off-Campus) $68 $78
Motorcycle $68 $78

* Motorcycle at no charge with purchase of other Reserve or Commuter Permit

* President Association permits are only available with approval from the President’s Office and are a personal expense to those authorized.  The permit is only valid when purchased with a reserve permit.

Garage Hourly Rates

Time FY25
0-2 Hours $3.00
2-4 Hours $3.25
4-6 hours $3.50
Over 7 Hours $3.75
Daily Rate $25

Parking Lot Hourly Rates

*Peak hours are from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Location FY25
Plaza West Rates: Peak Hours $4.25
Plaza West Rates: Non-Peak Hours $2.00
Plaza East $4.25
Campus School Rate: Peak Hours $4.25
Campus School Rate: Non-Peak Hours $2.00
All lots other Pay-by-Plate lots $2.75

Contractor Permits

Duration FY25
Monthly $15
Annual $150

Vendor Permits

Duration FY25
Monthly $20
Annual $200
Additional Annual* $100

*Two additional permits may be purchased at the reduced rate per order.

Other Permits

Type FY25
Departmental 3 Hour (D3) $244
Department  Day Pass: Commuter Only* $11/day
Department Day Pass: Reserve & Commuter Only* $17/day
Department Day Pass: Reserve, Commuter, and Garages* $22/day
Scratch Off Day Pass: Reserve and Commuter Only $17/day
Long Term Visitor: Commuter Only $72
Long Term Visitor: Commuter & Reserve Only $144
Long Term Visitor: Commuter, Reserve, Plaza & Garages $180

The Departmental 3 Hour pass may be purchased by departments for employee use. This permit must be accompanied by the employee’s personal permit to be valid. A Department Day Pass provides an internal department the ability to purchase parking for a single day.  This can be used for department visitors, guests, or other department sponsored parking.  Scratch Off Day Passes are available to students, staff, faculty, and guests.  They allow single day parking in a location of the purchaser’s choice in either Reserve or Commuter areas only. If five Scratch Off Day Passes are purchased in a single transaction by the same customer, they will receive the sixth pass for free.

Designated Reserve Permits

Duration FY25 Department Cost FY25 Employee Cost
Department $1,014 N/A
Employee $520 $494

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